Experimenting Pomodoro Algorithm

Muhammad Uzair
1 min readJan 1, 2021

Procrastination is a challenge that we all have faced at some point or another in our life which has disturbed our productivity.

Does it have a countermeasure? This is the question which was answered in form of a big yes by “Francesco Cirillo” in late 1980. Facing internal resistance I experimented applying the Pomodoro technique to boost productivity and guess what it worked!

By following the simple and easy to implement steps I was able to do more than I had expected myself before.

Pomodoro Algorithm

These sets of 25 min of work followed by some short breaks and a long break is indeed an excellent technique to practice time management and its positive outcomes have encouraged me to add this to my daily routine.

Keeping in sight the rule of distraction-free surrounding and my I would recommend having a tabletop stopwatch instead of that on a mobile phone, you may never know how you ended up seeing a full-length interesting video on Social Media in the shorter breaks.

